Christopher Columbus

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A Biographical Summary of Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, opening the way for widespread European exploration and colonization of the Americas. Born in the Republic of Genoa, Columbus lived in a time when European nations were eager to find a sea route to Asia for trade.

Columbus believed he could reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. He sought funding from various European monarchs before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain finally agreed to sponsor his expedition. In 1492, Columbus set sail with three ships – the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María. After a journey of over two months, he landed on an island in the Bahamas, which he named San Salvador.

Columbus made three more voyages to the Americas, exploring the Caribbean islands, the coast of Central and South America. He established colonies and initiated the transatlantic slave trade. His voyages had a profound impact on world history, marking the beginning of European colonization of the Americas and the Columbian Exchange, a period of widespread transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old and New Worlds. However, his arrival also led to the exploitation and decimation of indigenous populations.

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